The ultimate guide to undergoing Cataract Surgery

Preparation for your cataract surgery

Once you’ve made the decision to undergo cataract surgery, you may feel a little bit nervous about the procedure, but don’t worry. Your eye doctor will have completed the surgery many times before and will be sure to make you feel comfortable.

Prior to your cataract surgery, typically a week or so before the procedure, your eye doctor will measure the shape and size of your eye. This is done so that they can provide you with the appropriate artificial lens.

The procedure

Throughout the duration of your cataract surgery, you will be awake. Initially, this might sound daunting, but you won’t feel any pain or discomfort, as your doctor will using a numbing agent on your eye, and won’t use any needles or injections.

Mark Wevill will make a small incision at the side of your eye, and using a gentle ultrasound instrument he will fragment and remove the cataract. Your new high tech intraocular lens is rolled into a cylinder and inserted into the position of the old lens. It’s a myth that the eye is removed from the socket to have the surgery. No-one has ever done this and it and in this high tech age it is inconceivable. The surgery is quick and painless.

Typically, the surgery takes about 10 to 15 minutes so you won’t need to stay overnight, but you will need to make sure you have someone to drive you home.

Cataract surgery aftercare

There’s a whole plethora of health benefits you can look forward to once you’ve recovered from your cataract surgery, but until then, it’s time to rest up. For a couple of days after your surgery, you may find that your eye itches or feels sore. Over this period, you may also find that your eyes are more teary and that it’s difficult to see well in bright conditions.

You will be given eye drops for the first week to prevent infection, you will be given an eye shield to wear when sleeping. Be sure to contact your doctor immediately if you feel that your eye isn’t healing as it should or if you’re experiencing pain. Your eye should be fully healed after 8 weeks.

If you’re interested in getting cataract surgery, visit Laser Eye Surgery Birmingham today to book in for an appointment or to find out more about our quality services.

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